Thursday, May 8, 2008

Chucky Edge (Road-Dog, Blogger, Hardcore T-Shirt Collector/Wearer, Pizza Lover)

1- At a guess, how many band T-Shirts do you think you currently own? and where the fuck do you store them all?

I would like to think that its... maybe 500 roughly. Maybe 40 sweatshirts too? thats a rough guess tho. I had a period where I got rid of maybe 100 shirts thru giving them to friends or ebay. But im back to full force. I store them in the photos I sent you, thats mostly it. The shelf is the shirts im currently wearing, I have wierd trends in my head where Ill change up the selection with very impulsive tendencies.

2- Do you sell old shirts that you may of only worn once or twice, or not at all on ebay?, or do you think that is disrespectful to the person who gave you the shirt in the first place?

I sold maybe 40 shirts on ebay I think in my career. I sort of regret it, but its life, and I dont really do it now. Its funny, I usually give people stuff when they ask me about it, or when someone I know is at my house. Because, we all know the shirts your given from someone, are always the best fitting shirts. I think its disrespectful to sell shirts your given, but at the same time, certain shirts are ebay gold or whatever and its expected. Sometimes a shirt fits bad, and you gotta do something with it i guess? depends on the case i guess.

3- Do you ever get sick of wearing band shirts? LIke you look in your cupboard and all you have is a whole heap of usually bad fitting tshirts with huge prints all over them, haha.

Yes I do get sick of hardcore band shirts sometimes. To fix that tho I will wear a plain white shirt and realize that I dont look cool and just go back to my core gear. Also im getting a lot more picky with shirts, but at the same time I will just rep and XL and say fuck it. XL shirts fit me pretty much no matter what just depends on the undershirt. So im putting more work into my undershirt combos. Triple A shirts fit the best and are the best. I could never get tired of those. Big print is cool, pocket print is cool, I try to mix it up so I dont get tired of both. side or stomach print NEVER fits me good? i dont know why its shocking maybe? I will also wear a couple sports shirts and those are always refreshing. baseball and notre dame gear always spices up my weekly shirt digest. haha im trying new vocabulary combinations i guess???

4- I know you are a baseball fan, so, have you ever watched a game of cricket? i personally hate it, but you might be into it.

I love how im just going question to question, and all my answers for the questions, kind of go into the next question, this might be my favorite interview to date.
I watched cricket highlights on sportscenter once maybe? some dude hit something with a board, and then 2 dudes fell on eachother to get the ball, it looked cool. I would want to watch cricket with and OG fan so he could give me the rundown. that helps with any sport or team. I love watching baseball games with fans of my rival teams. Its always an exciting conversation. And you learn more.

5- Of all the band's you have toured with/seen live, Who would you currently rate as the best/most important band in hardcore?

Lots of bands I have toured with will definetly have an impact on hardcore. Not to "toot their horn" or mine but its just how I see it. I think kids in 10 years will be talking about these bands like we talk about YOT, Judge, and Breakdown. It all for me, depends on if these bands do reunions and other wierd shit like that. I dont know how ill feel about it then, well see in 10 years right? As long as its not embarrassing and ruins the image of the band that young kids have. Underdog reunion videos look cool. Never seen Gorilla Biscuits...
shout-outs: pete for this interview (good blog, good concept, good dude.), greg bacon for the 5 interview zine a little bit ago, hardcore worldwide, baseball, notre dame football, idiots who embarrass themselves on national geographic, hats, shirts, shorts, kool aid, pizza, sound and fury festival 2008, this is hardcore 2008, all the bands ive toured with, dunkin donuts, and... the new batman flick. will see.
thanks again!

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