People still havent got back to me with their "Checking In With... 's" and i dont have any time to do some fresh 5q's, so here are some random thoughts.
-Gorilla Biscuits tour was awesome. It was great to meet and tour with dudes from Gorilla Biscuits, Youth Of Today, Project X, Civ, Quicksand, Side By Side, Schism Zine, Token Entry, Underdog, Warzone, etc. Some fat fuck dived directly onto my head at the first Arthouse show though and i fucked my neck/back. Take note people, DONT stage dive onto ONE person when they are not looking! Especially if you weigh over 100kg's!
-Singing "Dance Floor Justice" most nights was pretty fucking crazy, 2 of those dudes were actually in PX, thats just weird.
-I dont get people (Billo!) that say they "didn't get" GB, whats not to get? What should i expect from people that like a band like Ruiner though?
-As cool as it was to be back touring i realised that its not the life for me anymore, waiting around for 7 other people all day everyday is not my idea of fun.
-Parkway Drive are the biggest HARDCORE (yep) band in the world. I love them, they are fucking killing it and the dvd is going to be awesome.
-New 50 Lions sounds awesome, 09 is going to be their year, fuck "bringing back the mosh".
-Hardcore in Australia is looking good, although some of the older bands have either broken up or are not doing that much, there are a bunch of new bands in every state that are coming up and are going to be the next bands in Australia to make some noise.
Here is my list for those interested.
Perth- Blkout!, Bridge The Gap
Adelaide- Infection, Cant Relate
Melbourne- Iron Mind, Ire
Sydney- Persist, Ill Brigade, Had It, Smash
Newy- White Male Duminance, The Hollow
Brisbane- Vaules Here
-NAILS is going to blow people the fuck away
-IA in Australia, its happening
-Iam going to see Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 3 days before my wedding in Adelaide, i love when things like that work out.
-Iam getting married in January
-"Personal" blogs fucking suck, no one gives a fuck what you had for lunch or what shoes you are wearing, stop wasting space on the www.
- Why are guys dressing more and more like girls? Cut off tight jean shorts dont look good, and neither do those gay little fucking slip on boat shoes you are wearing.
- While iam at it, whats up with all the fucking flannel shirts at shows? This is not the 90's and we are not in Seattle, and you sure as fuck arent a lumberjack, take those stupid fucking things off!
- Ill leave you with a photo of my brother(from another mother) Peter Bursky, mediatating high in the forrest somewhere in Vietnam. I love you Pete.